先秦 两汉 魏晋 南北朝 隋代 唐代 五代 宋代 金朝 元代 明代 清代 现代 近代


Wanghaichang of Qinguan
Plum blossom sparse quietly elegant, ice and snow melt flow, the time the spring breeze fans. Want to change secretly former JinGu - to swim, copper round again, while the bustling street walking in the rain new sunny. Always remember pingsha followed by somebody else, is now LiuXu jiaqi that spring, slender butterfly dances. LiuYin nowadays think cao under LuanFenFen will spring blossom path, WanHuQianGu. West circle to drink, gathering night play HuJia, colorful lights hung high sped up the moonlight, the trunk lid. The garden flowers touch damage fades, but Chinese is water, are frost to JiuDe everything in the evening with a caravan jie. XieGua flag, empty wine on hug, sometimes see habitat tournelle to crow. My tree compares with water, has been secretly intolerable to the running.

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